Monday, June 30, 2008

Are You There, Che Goodale?

How Goodale can make such bald-face lies and expect nobody is going to research his comments?

"Yet, in barely two years, Mr. Harper has obliterated that margin of fiscal security. He has taken this nation to the brink of a deficit -- the first in more than a decade. And it's deliberate. It's his ideological obsession to stop the federal government from being an instrument for good in the lives of ordinary Canadians."

First, how exactly does a $13.7 billion surplus in 2008 obliterate the margin of fiscal security?

Secondly, what sort of manifesto are you reading from that requires the federal government to be an instrument of "good in the lives of ordinary Canadians"? Who is the one with ideological obsessions, Ralph?

To prove my point about socialistic tendencies, in the same article...

"Even when the Harper government had a $13-billion Liberal surplus on its hands, he cut the Court Challenges program, which helped the less wealthy access their constitutional Charter rights; adult literacy services; the advocacy of women's equality; historic measures to bridge gaps between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians; funding for child care spaces; a credible plan to fight climate change (?); student aid; and more."

Was Goodale a former finance minister, or a Liberal version of Che Guevara?

One thing is for certain. Based on the past few days with the Green Shift proposal, if the Liberals ever manage implement that plan, surpluses will be non-existent as a result of the damage to the economy it will inflict.

But then again, maybe that's what Goodale and the Liberals really want; an unhealthy reliance of Canadians on the LPOC ...

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