Monday, August 25, 2008

We Are "Not So" Many Festival

Check out John Gormley's blog for the "standing room only" crowds at this weekend's We Are Many festival. The festival received $40,000 of your tax dollars to promote leftist and environmental views, which evidently doesn't seem to go well here in the heart of the flat lands.

But the "big draw" at WAM was Stephane Dion on Sunday, where he and Ralph Goodale extolled the virtues of Green Shift to a partisan crown of around 300.

To put this in perspective, the Ukraine Day in the Park crowd was estimated at 2,000. And Cruise Weekend, a celebration of carbon belching, American made classics, was the largest in its history with an estimated 100,000 people dropping by over the three days. Saskatoon's entire downtown was transformed into a museum of American art for CW.

If the Liberals had their finger on the pulse of Saskatchewan, they would have gone to where the people were, and doing the things that people care about, rather than trying to shove a "wealth distribution plan" down their collective throats on a hot Summer in front of a partisan crowd.

People in Saskatchewan seem to care more about perogies and classic autos, than they care about the Liberals and their Green Shift plan.

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