Sunday, July 6, 2008

Liberal Modus Operandi

Canadian vs. Canadian

"While our two provinces have only 13 per cent of Canada's population, he pointed out, we produce 40 per cent of the country's greenhouse gases. He placed no blame, of course, on central Canadian consumers (and voters) whose demand for our energy drives our production and thus our emissions.

We're not producing carbon for the fun of it, but Stephane Dion would like to leave the rest of Canada with the impression we are. It would make it so much easier for him to sell his new "Green Shift" tax scheme if he could convince central Canadians that a disproportionate burden will fall on the West and that we've got it coming.


This is an old Liberal tactic: Equate Liberal policy with the national interest so that anyone who disagrees can be portrayed as an enemy of national unity and not merely an opponent of Liberal ideas."

Make no mistake about it. The LPOC would bring the country to the brink of disaster in order to acheive their poltical goals.

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